
Salman kicks the ball in Bandra!

No, despite the swagger, the attitude and the ponytail, Salman does not play good soccer. But this is no reason for his fans to be any less enthralled when he shows up in action on the playground!

Spicezee Bureau
Mumbai: No, despite the swagger, the attitude and the ponytail, Salman does not play good soccer. But this is no reason for his fans to be any less enthralled when he shows up in action on the playground! So when he took to the ball for the penalty shoot-out at the Suparitalav Grounds in Bandra for a thrilling contest between Salman 9 and Baba (Siddiqui) 9, fans overflowed from the stands into the field.Twice he failed to net the ball, and his overenthusiastic fans did not give him a third chance. Repeated pleas by the commentator and players fell on deaf ears as fans mobbed their favourite Bandra boy.
Finally, the penalty shoot-out was dropped and a draw was declared. The match was a special feature of the Baba Siddique 9x9 Football Challenge. The final was to be played between two local teams after this contest was over, but by the time the ‘real’ match began, the ground was empty. Salman is any day a bigger crowd-puller than a football match!