
John Mayer joins fight against malaria

Singer John Mayer has joined the fight against malaria and is urging his fans to donate money to provide mosquito nets for families in the third world countries.

London: Singer John Mayer has joined the fight against malaria and is urging his fans to donate money to provide mosquito nets for families in the third world countries.
The rocker has filmed a new public service announcement (PSA) for the Malaria No More charity and said all children should be allowed to grow up, reports
In the film, Mayer said, "Almost a million people a year die of malaria, and out of that number 85 percent die under the age of Justin Bieber (16-year-old pop sensation). With your help, by buying a mosquito net for just $10 we can help - by the end of the year - to get to Bieber." He calls the initiative baby steps and feels if people will continue their support, the children in the affected countries can live longer. "Next year, we`ll go Jonas Brothers. After that, ‘Twilight’ kids. But baby steps." IANS