
Usher`s ex-wife to appeal against custody order

Singer Usher`s ex-wife Tameka is planning to return to court to overturn the ruling regarding their kids` custody.

Los Angeles: Singer Usher`s ex-wife Tameka is planning to return to court to overturn the ruling regarding their kids` custody.
Last week, Usher was granted primary custody of Usher Raymond V, 4, and Naviyd Ely Raymond, 3 after a long court battle. However, now, Tameka plans to return to court as she believes that the ruling was biased given that the law firm that provided Usher`s representative lawyer has ties with the ruling judge, reports Tameka claims that the Usher was represented by a solicitor, who was personally responsible for nearly half of the contributions to the judge`s re-election campaign in 2008. She also claims that the lawyer served on the judge`s re-election campaign committee. IANS