
Renee spends Christmas with Bradley`s parents

Hollywood actress Renee Zellweger seems to be getting serious about her relation with actor-boyfriend Bradley Cooper as she spent the Christmas with his parents.

Los Angeles: Hollywood actress Renee Zellweger seems to be getting serious about her relation with actor-boyfriend Bradley Cooper as she spent the Christmas with his parents.
The `Chicago` star celebrated the holidays in Los Angeles with Cooper and was seen with Gloria and Charlie, his parents, a magazine reported.
Earlier this week, the 40-year-old actress took them on a stroll in Venice, California and on Christmas Eve, she went shopping with Cooper`s mom. "Renee seems to get along really well with Bradley`s parents. They were laughing and seemed to have a great time strolling around Venice," said an eyewitness. Zellweger also seems to be taking care of Cooper`s mother`s food preferences, as she picked out several Italian delicacies from a local restaurant on Christmas eve. "Bradley`s mom is Italian-American and it was obvious that Renee was making an effort to impress Bradley`s mom with Christmas dishes," the eyewitness said, adding that the actress asked for help to make sure she picked out something authentic. "Renee was in a great mood and seemed very happy," the onlooker added. PTI