
Aborted baby could have been Charlie Sheen’s child, says porn star

Porn star Kacey Jordan, has revealed that she recently had an abortion, and that the baby could have been his.

Washington: In an interview, one of Charlie Sheen`s porn stars, Kacey Jordan, has revealed that she recently had an abortion, and that the baby could have been his.
The 22-year-old adult entertainer hooked up with the troubled 45-year-old ‘Two and a Half Men’ star during his most recent coke and booze fuelled porn star sex romp that culminated in a trip to the ER and an at-home rehab stint.
Now, Jordan has admitted the couple did not use contraception, leading her to question whether Sheen was the father when she discovered she was pregnant. "I had the abortion last Thursday, I went home to Oregon to have it because that is where I grew up. I was sick and on the couch all day," a website quoted Jordan as saying, who has already terminated three previous pregnancies. "I think it might have been too soon to be Charlie`s baby, but you never know. I get pregnant very easily. "Charlie and I tried to use protection... I kept having to put it on again. I don`t want people to think I just had sex with him and didn`t try to use one. "I was just impressed he was able to finish really." But if the baby wasn`t Sheen`s Jordan says it could also have been another A-list star`s. "A week earlier I had been with another celebrity, so it could of been his, but I can`t talk about him because I had to sign a release," she added. ANI