
Forget Hollywood and Bollywood, this real-life wildlife chase sequence will have you on the edge of your seats! - Watch video

This chase between a hatchling iguana dodging death on what appears to be an island full of snakes is the most riveting scene ever and will definitely have you on the edge of your seats by the end of it.

Forget Hollywood and Bollywood, this real-life wildlife chase sequence will have you on the edge of your seats! - Watch video Image courtesy: BBC Earth/YouTube

New Delhi: BBC's wildlife documentary 'Planet Earth II' is one of the most talked about and anticipated series among wildlife enthusiasts because of four reasons – (a) It is the most expensive wildlife documentary ever made, (b) It took 10 years to film, (c) It promises to be one of the most amazing documentaries on wildlife ever and (d) It has been narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

Last month, in October, BBC Earth released a 2:46 minute trailer that swept many people off their feet and raised excitement levels.

Now, in another 2:20 minute teaser released by the channel, BBC Earth shows us a chase that will put any Hollywood or Bollywood film's chase sequence to shame.

This chase between a hatchling iguana dodging death on what appears to be an island full of snakes is the most riveting scene ever and will definitely have you on the edge of your seats by the end of it.

It has been doing the rounds of social media, with reactions ranging from stunned to downright terrified and people have been praising the incredible way it's been shot. Every expression of the iguana and the snakes have been caught and it looks completely surreal and believe us when we say, you'll probably be playing this clip on loop for a while.

The real-life fight for life is one-of-a-kind and will totally make you egg the lone iguana on to save itself from the killer snakes.

While Planet Earth II premiered its first episode, "Islands," over the weekend in the UK, it's American debut will be shown on January 28.

Check out the first trailer of the series and then feast your eyes upon the most amazing chase!

Trailer #1:

(Video courtesy: BBC Earth)

Trailer #2 - The Chase: