
UFOlogy Becoming A Growing Trend In India - Find Out Why

Ufology is the study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) by people who think that they might have extraordinary origins. There are only few organizations in India who investigate these phenomena’s, project Dimension X run by Detectives of Supernatural is one such program.

UFOlogy Becoming A Growing Trend In India - Find Out Why

New Delhi: In recent years UFO activities across the globe has increased significantly, even NASA , USA's Pentagon and other organizations all over world taking them seriously now. India has been seeing these Ariel phenomenon since a long time, some are hoax but some incidents are mysterious in nature. There are only few organizations in India who investigate these phenomena’s, project Dimension X run by Detectives of Supernatural is one such program.

Observation of dimension x

As per Devraj Sanyal, Paranormal Investigator, Founder of Dimension X which is a part of Detectives of Supernatural.

When I was a kid, I used to look up at night and wonder what are these billions of twinkling lights, my mom said these are stars like our Sun but they are way far away. Then I gradually knew about our solar systems, planets, moons etc. That day I thought if sun has nine planets in our solar system, how many planets are there in entire universe, the figure is much more than stars.

And how many are like earth. And how many can possess biological life forms like us, in my view there are many. And another thing is why we always think life can be in form of biological body, it can be in gaseous form it can be in energy form or in any form we couldn’t even imagine. The possibility is endless. This subject really fascinated me from childhood so I started researching it in my own way.

What Do Researchers Think About Alien Presence?

According to many researchers it may be possible that they are already visiting us for millions of years but our main stream prominent personnel’s is avoiding us to know the truth. This could be just a conspiracy theory or may be these researchers are right. I have many questions to our own human species, why we got advanced so fast where other species are still primitive in nature, why we are not compatible in earth’s atmosphere, why every civilization has language and most importantly why every corner of the world believes in GOD. Why we always look up to look for GOD. Is it in our genes? There are so many “WHYS” but there is NO answer to it.

What Happened In New Mexico?

In mid-1947 New Mexico , there was a report of weather balloon crash but those who saw the accident states that it was an Unidentified flying object (UFO) crash in the desert and nature of that craft was not at all of this planet. After the accident the crash area was highly secured and confidential, if it was a weather balloon why so many security? It also may be conspiracy theory but after the incident, we can see the huge leap of advancement in technology , inventions of nano technology, plasma, microchip, LCD and many more just came out , which could have taken 100 years now we have done it in few years, this is the most weird part.

Many including Devraj Sanyal, believe it was done by reverse engineering, a method where scientists figure out from an existing technology. Devraj says ,all these may be imaginary theories but now I am talking about recent days, NASA have cut live video feed several times from international space station just whenever an mysterious object can be seen in camera. We call these mysterious objects “moon pigeons”. This is the weirdest thing ever happened in recent history.

What Do Astronauts Have To Say About The Extra Terrestrial?

According to many astronauts, they have seen many strange objects flying in outer space, one of them is Neil Armstrong, he even said Moon has alien bases. The Wow! Signal is another one the hard evidence of extra-terrestrial existence. It was a strong narrowband radio signal received on August 15, 1977, by Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescope in the United States, then used to support the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence.

The signal appeared to come from the constellation Sagittarius and bore the expected hallmarks of extra-terrestrial origin. Astronomer Jerry R. Ehman discovered the anomaly a few days later while reviewing the recorded data. He was so impressed by the result that he circled the reading on the computer printout and wrote the comment Wow! on its side, leading to the event's widely used name.

Mysterious Crop Circles

Twenty-six countries reported approximately 10,000 crop circles in the last third of the 20th century. Many of the formations appearing in that area are positioned near ancient monuments, such as Stonehenge. Crop Circles are geometric patterns that appear mysteriously in crop fields. The crop is not cut, but is usually laid flat and most often swirled into an attractive floor pattern which signifies some sort of massage or mathematical signal out this world.

According to research, their formation involves vortices of electromagnetic fields and sonic energies. While the affected plants of these living mandalas remain unharmed, the subsequent growth patterns from these seeds show significant differences from those of seeds from unaffected plants in the same field. How they are created still remains a big question? Crop circles are scientifically proven to be manifestations of energy under intelligent guidance. There are such numerous evidences which positively supports that some intelligent life form have been visiting us for long long time.

UFO Sightings In India

UFO sightings depicted in India Pre-historic era when Pre-historic rock paintings were found at Charama, Kanker Chhattisgarh state depict human figures wearing suits similar to modern day space suits and drawings similar to flying saucers, each with a fan-like antenna and three legs. 1951 On 15 March, 10:20 a.m. in New Delhi, 25 members of a flying club saw a cigar-shaped object in the sky which was about one hundred feet long.

The UFO hovered and then vanished from sight. 2008 On October 29, a fast moving object was spotted at 30° in the eastern horizon at Eastern Kolkata between 3:30 and 6:30 am and was filmed using a handycam. Its shape shifted from a sphere to a triangle and then to a straight line. The object emitted a bright light forming a halo and radiated a range of colours. It was spotted by many people and hundreds gathered along the E.M.

Bypass to catch a glimpse of the UFO, triggering a frenzy. The video footage was released on a TV News channel and later shown to Dr. D P Duari, the director of MP Birla Planetarium, Kolkata, who found it to be "extremely interesting and strange". It was later approved by Dr D P Duari to be the planet Venus. 2013 Residents of Mogappiar, Chennai observed five specks of bright orange light moving from south to north around 8.55 pm on 20 June and was later reported on the local newspaper on 23 June.

On 4 August, soldiers of Indian Army have observed unidentified flying objects at Lagan Kher Area, Demchock, Ladakh, India and it is reported that army troops have observed more than 100 UFO movements along Arunachal Pradesh border area during the previous seven months. 2014 A series of pictures of the sunset over the Rajajipuram area of Lucknow on 23 July claimed to show a UFO. A commercial pilot reportedly informed Mumbai Air Traffic Control room that she spotted a green and white UFO near Pune during the first week of October at a height of about 26,300 feet. A photograph published by the news media claimed to show a "nail shaped" UFO over Kochi in the southern Indian state of Kerala on 29 October 2015.

A schoolboy claimed to have captured photographs of a UFO from his house rooftop in Shyam Nagar, a suburb of Kanpur, on 25 June, though the photos were most likely created with a photo editing smartphone application. In Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, a local resident claimed to have taken a photo of a large UFO.

However, experts say that a rash of similar photos from other parts of the world depicting the appearance of a UFO similar to the one in the movie Independence Day were most likely "created using digital editing software or even a mobile phone app, as some on the market allow UFOs to be blended into pictures".

Among all I myself found a person who claims to see some strange activity in sky, Suvojyoti Roy Chowdhuri resides in Behala of Kolkata saw three huge light balls with unusual movement just before a thunderstorm in mid of August 2018 He saw these balls of light three times but just before thunderstorms he claims.

Team DIMENSION X Investigation On UFO Sightings

In 2020 Devraj Sanyal, Suvojyoti Roy Chowdhuri, Ayush Majumdar and Debadarshi Roy created a team named Dimension X which is India’s one and only team who is researching and investigating UFO sightings and will find evidences from mythology and history which indicates Alien – human contact in past.

On 1st April 2022, a college girl Arzu Sahani, shared a video on social media. The video was like - small 4 to 5 cluster glowing ball like figure was circling around in the sky. So she thought it to be an unusual event so she captured it. 

First of all Ayush Mazumdar of Dimension X found that footage interesting enough and went to his Miss Sahani's place to look for answers. People were claiming that it must be a ray of lights from any of the wedding programs. But we were clear that it wasn't. All the news channels were busy with this news and were looking for answers so many of them contacted some scientists regarding this issue. But all of them just ignore the fact and pressurize the fact that it must be an environmental problem.

But Ayush then investigated that place and talked with some of the neighbours regarding any marriage ceremony that took place on that day and that particular time. So each and every one told me that no ceremony took place nearby on that day. So Ayush got pretty sure about that now.

On 2nd April 2022, the news spread like a wild fire. Every news channel was claiming that it whether it was a real UFO or not? So then, Team Dimension X includes- (Devraj Sanyal, Ishita Das Sanyal, Suvojyoti Roy Chowdhury, Ayush Majumder, and Debadarshi Roy) again went to her place for further investigation. We carried 3 high beam spot lights with us to look for the fact that whether it was a ray of lights or something different that people aren't aware of.

So we carried on the process and threw 3 Spotlights straight in the sky as the evening was cloudy. The thing which made up our mind that it was not a spotlight was that - every spotlight has its own path, so the light flows on a particular path. But the video she captured we cannot see any paths through which the light will travel.

On the next day after surfing the internet we found out the same kind of incidents in the Chino Hills of California, London, Wisconsin and many other places . Now this can't be a co-incident that the same incidents took place just like a months in between. Team Dimension X is still investigating the case and is looking for an answer.