
We are moving to Space Age, India cannot be left behind: PM Narendra Modi at launch of Indian Space Association

“With the 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' vision, our country is witnessing comprehensive reforms. It's not just vision, but a well thought & integrated economic strategy that is facilitating global development,” said PM Modi. 

We are moving to Space Age, India cannot be left behind: PM Narendra Modi at launch of Indian Space Association

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday (October 11, 2021) virtually launched the Indian Space Association (ISpA). At the event the prime minister said that reforms in the space sector are based on four pillars.

PM Modi also said that the world is moving away from the Information Technology age to the Space age and that India cannot be left behind. 

“Our approach to Space reforms is based on four pillars -- freedom to private sector in innovation, role of Govt as an enabler, to make youth future-ready, & to see the Space sector as a resource for the progress of common man,” said PM Modi at the launch of Indian Space Association. 

“With the 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' vision, our country is witnessing comprehensive reforms. It's not just vision, but a well thought & integrated economic strategy that is facilitating global development,” he added. 

The prime minister also stressed the expansion of the power of the space sector. "Earlier, the Space sector was synonymous with Govt. We changed this mindset, brought in innovation in Space sector & gave the mantra of cooperation between Govt & startups. This new mantra is necessary because this is not the time of linear innovation for India," said PM Narendra Modi

PM Modi added, “This is the time of exponential innovation, which can only be achieved when Govt doesn't play the role of handler but enabler. Today Govt is sharing its expertise & providing launch pads for private sector. Today, the facility of ISRO is being opened for private sector.”

At last PM Modi recalled the India's Mars mission by the women scientists on the occasion of International Day of the Girl Child. He said, "Today is also 'International Day of the Girl Child', how can we forget celebrations of India's Mars mission by the women scientists. I hope reforms in the space sector encourages more women participation."

ISpA is the premier industry association of space and satellite companies, which aspires to be the collective voice of the Indian space industry.

It will undertake policy advocacy and engage with all stakeholders in the Indian space domain, including the government and its agencies.

Echoing the Prime Minister`s vision of Aatmanirbhar Bharat, ISpA will help in making India self-reliant, technologically advanced and a leading player in the space arena, read the PMO release.

ISpA is represented by leading homegrown and global corporations with advanced capabilities in space and satellite technologies.

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