
ISRO is crossing limits, furnishes incomplete information: IMD

Director General of IMD, K J Ramesh has said that the space organisation has crossed all limits by merely imagining the prediction of cyclones without any significant information.

ISRO is crossing limits, furnishes incomplete information: IMD Representational image

New Delhi: The Indian Meteorological Department(IMD) has accused the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) of misleading people and taking their job away by reaching out to the masses with incomplete weather details.

As per a report published in Sakshi Daily, the Director General of IMD, K J Ramesh has said that the space organisation has crossed all limits by merely imagining the prediction of cyclones without any significant information.

Till now, the country is not fully equipped with technology that can accurately predict cyclones.

The report further mentions that ISRO is directly sending weather reports to the Andhra Pradesh government whereas, it should ideally be forwarded to IMD as the setup is supposed to add value to it and process it further.

'It's our job to accumulate all the data, make additions to it, complete it and process it further', the IMD official was quoted as saying.

Coming up with incomplete details about the weather is highly disappointing and it spreads panic among the masses.

We tried reaching out to ISRO but failed to get any response.