
Australian Open 2014: Roger Federer vs Andy Murray - As it happened...

Live updates from the quarter-final clash between Roger Federer and Andy Murray

Zee Media Bureau/ Suyash Srivastava
Federer vs Murray: Match Report» Victory against Djokovic could do wonders to ‘Wow’rinka’s game» ======================================================================= FOURTH SET: Federer wins it 6-3 Federer to serve for the set and the match. Murray wins the first point with a terrific forehand, 0-15. Some more aggression from Murray, Federer came to the nets and Murray tried to sent a shot to Federer's left, the Swiss failed and Murray has won two points, 0-30. Federer wins the first point of the game, 15-30. Good wide serve from Federer and Murray's return goes long, 30-30. Another wide serve from Federer, Murray's return goes long and Federer has his third match point of the match! And what a way to win it! The Swiss legend fires an ace at the right time and wins the third set 6-3 and the match! FOURTH SET: Federer leads 5-3 Murray to serve. And Federer has done it! He has broken Murray's serve again in style as he played a backhand slice and Murray wasn't even on the court. FOURTH SET: Federer leads 4-3 Federer to serve. Good serve from Federer, Murray's return finds the net, 15-0. Another wide serve from Federer and Murray's return goes wide, 30-0. Federer slaps another volley winner which was out of Murray's reach, 40-0. Good return of serve from Murray wins him a point, 40-15. Another good return from Murray. Federer wins the game. FOURTH SET: Scores level 3-3 Murray to serve. Good forehand from Murray wins him a point, 15-0. Murray wins another point, 30-0. Murray challenged a call where Federer's shot was on the line, 30-15. Both the players win a point each, 40-30. Federer smashes a terrific forehand down the line, deuce! Good serve from Murray gives him the advantage off his own service game. Federer makes Murray run on the court and the latter's shot hits the nets, deuce again! Federer gets a break point as Murray's shot hits the net, advantage Federer. Murray brings it back to deuce with a good forehand. Federer wins a point, third deuce of the game. Murray once again takes the advantage with a fine serve. Murray wins the game with a forehand winner. FOURTH SET: Federer leads 3-2 Federer to serve. Both the players win a point each, 15-15. Federer dominates and wins the next two points to take a 40-15 lead. Federer wins the game. FOURTH SET: Scores level 2-2 Murray to serve. Murray wins the first two points, 30-0. Good wide serve from Murray and Federer's return goes long, 40-0. Federer's forehand once again goes long and Murray wins the game. FOURTH SET: Federer leads 2-1 Federer to serve. Federer convincingly won three consecutive points, and then sealed the game with an ace! FOURTH SET: Scores level 1-1 Murray serves. Fine winner by Federer. 0-15. The Swiss wins another point with a winner down the line. 0-30. Yet another winner by Federer. 0-40. Three break points for Federer. Murray saves a point. A disguised drop-shot takes Federer off guard. 15-30. A very fine serve saves Murray's second break point. 30-40. A brilliant back hand by Murray level 40-40. With an ace it's Advantage Murray. Murray is unable to return Federer's forehand cross-court shot, it's deuce again. 40-40. Murray shot goes wide, it's Advantage Federer. Federer backhand goes to the nets. Its duece number 3. Murray's forehand winner is beyond Federer's reach, Advantage Murray. Murray unable to return Federer's backahnd winner. Deuce number 4. Federer misses Murray's serve down the T, Advantage Murray. Murray misses Federer return. Deuce number 5. An ace by Murray gives him the advantage. Federer saves it yet again with a lob. Deuce number 6! Federer's forehand goes wide, gives Murray yet another advantage. A long rally by the duo (22 shots); Murray makes a net error. A drop-shot by Federer to take the advantage. But Murray is in no mood to give up, hits a winner, to save the game. Deuce number 7. With an ace its Advantage Andy. Murray couldn't control the next rally, makes an error, hits a wide shot. Deuce number 8! Another long rally, causes a Murray error. Advantage Federer. Deuce number 9! This time Federer's forehand causes the error. Advanatge Murray. And finally Andy gets it. FOURTH SET: Federer leads 1-0 Federer to serve. Murray wins two back to back points 30-30. Federer with a forehand winner takes the scores 30-40. Takes the game with a drop shot. Federer holds serve. TIE BREAKER: Murray wins 7-6 (8-6) Murray to serve. Both the players win a point each after which Federer serves an ace to take a 2-1 lead in the tie-breaker. Murray came to the nets and smashed a winner, 2-2. Murray's backhand goes long, 3-2 lead for Federer. Another good rally between the two players and after hitting few good cross-court fore hands, Murray's send one down the line, but long! Federer leads 4-2. Excellent wide serve from Federer, another point and 5-2 lead for Federer, Murray to serve. Federer's return of serve hits the nets, 5-3. Murray makes Federer stretch to his left and the return hits the net, 5-4. Federer to serve. Federer's second serve was short and Murray hit it wide, 6-4, challenged by Murray, but it is still wide and now FEDERER HAS A MATCH POINT! Murray saved it after a good rally, Federer's shot goes wide. Scores level again. 6-6. MURRAY HAS A SET POINT! And he takes it! Murray saves two match points to take the third set . THIRD SET: Scores level 6-6 Federer to serve. Good start and Federer wins the first point, 15-0. The Swiss wins another point as Murray's backhand hits the nets, 30-0. Good serve from Federer and he wins another point to lead 40-0. An easy game for Federer as he wins it in style. THIRD SET: Murray leads 6-5 Murray to serve. Murray wins the first point, 15-0. Federer wins a point, 15-15. Federer's backhand hits the nets, 30-15 lead for Murray. Federer's forehand finds the net on this occasion, 40-15 lead for Murray. Murray wins the game as Federer's shot goes long. THIRD SET: Scores level 5-5 Federer to serve for the third set and the match! Murray wins the first point as Federer's backhand hit the nets, 0-15. Forehand from Federer goes wide, he looks under some sort of pressure, 0-30 lead for Murray. Good serve from Federer, to the left of Murray, who couldn't return it, 15-30. Federer's backhand goes wide and now, Andy Murray has two break points! Federer saves the first break point as he waits at the nets, and smashes a volley winner, 30-40. Murray has one more break point. And he converts it as Federer's shot goes long! Andy Murray is also charged up after that and Federer obviously looks disappointed! THIRD SET: Federer leads 5-4 Murray to serve. Murray wins the first point off a volley winner, 15-0. Murray's forehand goes long, 15-15. Murray once again came to the nets and Federer played a lob shot, Murray couldn't hit a volelley and it landed well inside the court to give Federer a point, 15-30. Murray's shot goes long, 15-40, Federer has two break points! Federer converts his third break point of the match as Murray's forehand hits the nets! THIRD SET: Scores level 4-4 Federer to serve. Federer wins the first point as Murray's return goes high, Federer keeps waiting at the nets and slaps a winner to take 15-0 lead. Federer once again goes to the nets and hits a backhand volley winner, 30-0. And yet once again, Federer advances to the nets and hits a volley winner, 40-0. Superb return of serve from Murray, 40-15. Another superb rally between the two players, both came to the nets and Federer finally couldn't pick a volley winner from Murray, 40-30. Federer wins the game. THIRD SET: Murray leads 4-3 Murray to serve. Federer has just changed his racket. Murray wins the first point as Federer's cross-court backhand hits the nets, 15-0. Good return of serve from Federer and Murray's return goes short, 15-15. Good cross-court backhand from Murray, it once again landed at Federer's feet who couldn't return it to the other side, 30-15. Excellent cross-court forehand from Murray, 40-15. Murray wins the game as Federer's backhand finds the net. THIRD SET: Scores level 3-3 Federer to serve. Federer wins the first point, 15-0. Murray wins a point, 15-15. Federer hits a volley winner, 30-15. Another point for Federer, 40-15. Federer advanced to the nets to play a volley winner but then realised the ball was going long, and it did as Federer won the game. THIRD SET: Murray leads 3-2 Murray to serve. Federer wins the first point, 0-15. Murray hits a backhand volley winner, 15-15. Another volley winner for Murray, 30-15. Both these players are now going for the volleys. Good serve from Murray, 40-15. Federer wins a point, 40-30. Good serve from Murray and he wins the game as Federer's return is short. THIRD SET: Scores level 2-2 Federer to serve. The Swiss wins the first point, 15-0. Federer wins another point off a volley winner, 30-0. Another ace from Federer takes his lead to 40-0 in the fourth game of the third set. And Federer wins the game as Murray's shot goes wide. THIRD SET: Murray leads 2-1 Murray to serve. Good backhand from Murray as Federer came to the nets but the ball landed just at his feet and his return was short, 15-0. Good forehand cross-court from Murray and he wins a point, 30-0. Federer wins a point, 30-15. Murray's shot goes wide, 30-30. Super forehand from the Swiss forces Murray to make an error as his backhand goes long, 30-40, Federer has a break point! Murray came to the nets and Federer tried a lob shot which went way wide, deuce! Murray takes the advantage with an ace! Another good serve from Murray and he wins the game. THIRD SET: Scores level 1-1 Federer to serve. Federer's backhand goes wide, 0-15. Murray's backhand hits the nets, 15-15. Good serve from Federer, 30-15. Federer wins another point, 40-15. Federer wins the game with an ace. THIRD SET: Murray leads 1-0 Murray to serve. Federer wins the first point, 0-15. Murray wins a point with a forehand winner, 15-15. Murray misses an easy chance to hit a volley winner, 15-30. Federer hits another superb cross-court backhand as Murray advanced to the nets, but his return hit the nets as well, 15-40. Murray wins two more point, 40-40. Both the players win a point each, deuce again. Murray takes the advantage and wins the game! SECOND SET: Federer wins it 6-4 Federer to serve for the set! Federer played a lose shot, as he wasn't sure whether to go for the challenge or nor and Murray smashed a forehand winner to win the first point, 0-15. Federer wins the second point, 15-15. Quality tennis between the two players ended when Federer made Murray to stretch to his right and the return landed wide, 30-15. Federer's backhand goes wide, 30-30. Murray's down the line backhand goes slightly wide and Federer has a set point! Murray's forehand goes long and Federer leads by two sets to love! Superb dominating tennis from the Swiss! SECOND SET: Federer leads 5-4 Murray to serve to stay in the set. Federer once again comes to the nets, but this time Murray smashes a forehand past him for a winner, 15-0. Murray's shot goes wide, 15-15. Another wonderfull rally came to an end when Federer's down the line forehand hit the nets, 30-15. Federer smashed a cross-court forehand and Murray's couldn't time his shot well, 30-30. Good wide serve from Murray, 40-130. Federer's forehand goes wide and Murray wins the game! SECOND SET: Federer leads 5-3 Federer to serve. Murray goes to the nets, Federer tries to play a shot over his head which went long, 0-15. Federer once again came to the nets and this time comfortably hit a volley winner, 15-15. Federer's shot goes wide, 15-30. Murray wins a point, 30-30. Murray's backhand goes long, 40-30 lead for Federer. Federer's first serve was called long, it was long, and Murray hit a forehand wide off his second serve which lasted for few good shots. Federer holds onto his serve! SECOND SET: Federer leads 4-3 Murray to serve. Both the players win a point each, 15-15. This time Federer once again came to the nets and managed to get his racket for a volley winner, 15-30. Federer's backhand goes long, 30-30. Federer's return of serve isn't good enough, 40-30 lead for Murray in the game. Murray seals the game with a cracking ace! SECOND SET: Federer leads 4-2 Federer to serve. He begins with a good serve, an ace, 15-0. Murray wins another point, 15-15. Federer charges down and hits an impressive forehand winner down the line, 30-15. Murray's return of serve goes wide, 40-15. Federer tries once again to come at the nets, Murray hits another top shot over his head for a winner, 40-30. Federer's backhand slice goes wide and after a long time, we have a DEUCE! Federer serves and volleys and hits a volley winner to take the advantage. Muraay hit a forehand, making Federer to stretch to his right as the return landed short, deuce again. Murray serves and goes for the volley but Murray's return found the nets, advantage Federer. Excellent serve from Federer and he win the game to take a two-point lead. SECOND SET: Federer leads 3-2 Murray to serve. Federer missed on an easy forehand which hit the nets, 15-0. Murray's forehand went wide, 15-15. Murray fires another ace, to take a 30-15 lead in the game. Superb return of serve from Federer, hits a backhand winner down the line, 30-30. Federer has a break point! Murray's forehand went wide and Federer has once again broken the serve! SECOND SET: Scores level 2-2 Federer to serve. Murray's return of serve goes long, 15-0. This time, Federer's forehand goes long, 15-15. Federer's backhand clipped the nets and landed wide, 15-30. Federer hit a cracking forehand down the line for a winner, 30-15. Federer serves wide and Murray's return hit the nets, 40-15. Federer once again came to the nets, looked to play a drop shot and then hit a forehand winner to win the game. SECOND SET: Murray leads 2-1 Murray to serve. This time Murray advanced to the nets to pressurise Federer who ended up hitting one long, 15-0. Federer once again tried to dominate by coming at the nets, but this time Murray played an excellent shot over him which landed for a winner, 30-0. A top forehand from Federer won him a point, 30-15. Murray won another point, 40-15. Murray's forehand hit the nets to give Federer another point, 40-30. Good serve from Murray won him another point and the game! SECOND SET: Scores level 1-1 Federer to serve. Murray wins the first point after he challenged a call that was ruled out, but was actually in, 0-15. Federer came to the nets and smashed one backhand that landed wide 15-15. Federer won two more points, 40-15. Federer once again advanced to the nets and smashed a backhand winner to hold his serve. SECOND SET: Murray leads 1-0 Murray to serve. Murray wins the first point as Federer's forehand hits the net, 15-0. Murray's backhand landed wide, 15-15. Excelllent serve from Murray gave him another point, it was challenged by Federer, but it was on line, 30-15. After playing some good shots, Federer charged down and smashed a cross court fore hand for a winner. The rally of the match came to an end when a Federer forehand crashed into the nets, 40-30. With a fine serve, Murray sealed the first game of the second set. FIRST SET: Federer wins it 6-3 Federer broke Murray's serve in the fourth game of the first set to take a 3-1 lead. Federer then held onto his serve to extend the lead to 4-1. Federer's backhand once again was at its best, and the Swiss troubled Murray with several perfect cross-court backhands. In the sixth game of the set, Federer tried his best to come to the nets and disrupt the rhythm of Murray who was clearly taken aback by this move but managed to win the sixth game of the first set. Federer held onto his serve in the seventh game and extended his lead to 5-2. Murray showed some aggression in the eighth game which he eventually won to take the score line to 3-5. With an amazing cross-court forehand, Federer had three set points at 40-0 which he sealed off his second serve as Murray's return hit the nets. Federer wins the first set 6-3! ============================================================ The players have arrived at the Rod Laver Arena amid a packed audience. Excitement is brewing and the match is about to start soon. Neither of the two have lost a quarter-final match at the Australian Open. Federer to serve first. ============================================================ Melbourne: The high profile quarter-final clash between the Swiss ace Roger Federer and Wimbledon champion Andy Murray is expected to be a thriller. While Federer is aiming a shot at his 18th Grand Slam, Murray will be eager to add Grand Slam number three in his kitty. The duo will meet for the 21st time today and going by the stats, Murray leads 11-9. The winner of today`s match will meet World No. 1 Rafael Nadal in the semi-finals for a place in the finals. Read the complete Preview here HERE»

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