
Ajit Pawar is angry in the Vidhansabha PT6M26S

Ajit Pawar । विधानसभेत अजित पवार संतापलेत...

Ajit Pawar is angry in the Vidhansabha

Mar 21, 2023, 01:20 PM IST
oil painting of Balasaheb will be placed in the Vidhan Sabha hall PT1M46S

Video | विधानसभेच्या सेट्रल हॉलमध्ये बाळासाहेबांचे तैलचित्र लागणार

An oil painting of Balasaheb will be placed next to Savarkar's image in the Vidhan Sabha hall

Jan 23, 2023, 01:55 PM IST
There will be a big education recruitment in the state PT1M13S

Teacher Recuritment | राज्यात होणार मोठी शिक्षण भरती

There will be a big education recruitment in the state

Dec 22, 2022, 10:20 AM IST