
Summer special: This is how you can take care of your hair!

Have you ever thought about the harmful effects of hot summer sun on your hair?

Summer special: This is how you can take care of your hair! Representational image

New Delhi: During the summer season, we take immense care of our skin, but often tend to neglect our hair. But, have you ever thought about the harmful effects of hot summer sun on your hair?

Well, like our skin, hair too suffer from the rays of the sun.

Here are some tips to take care of your hair during summer season:

Avoid cosmetics

Avoid having any hair treatment and using chemical products during the hot season as the hair often gets damaged and dries up due to summer heat.
Do not colour your hair during summer as it tends to spoil the hair quality. 

Use conditioner

To protect your hair and retain moisture, smooth and silky hair, use conditioner. One should get a conditioner that suits your hair type. You can also try natural deep conditioning treatment once in a week to get extra moisture into your hair.

Choose the right products

Always look out for the products with the tags Replenishing, Hydrating and Moisturizing. Avoid any styling product that has formaldehyde(alcohol) and the products that come with the tags Volumizing or Bouncy. 


Do not shampoo your hair every day as too much of it can dry up the scalp and hair as well. Opt for a mild shampoo if you sweat more on the scalp and if your hair gets greasy and sweaty easily.

Avoid heat

Avoid using hair dryer, styling iron and curlers during summer as they can damage the hair.

Trim your hair

As our hair is always dry with lots of split ends during the summer season, so we should always go for small trim as this will bring back life to our hair. 

Protect from Sun

Always use a scarf or a hat to protect your hair from the sun heat as this will provide extra UV protection and also helps your scalp to retain moisture. 

Use wide-tooth comb

Avoid using a brush, instead opt for a wide-tooth combs as they are most gentle for untangling hair while brushes can pull and tear when they snag strands.