
Mumbai Borivali Market Crowded As No Effect Of Weekend Lockdown Ground Report PT3M19S

बोरीवली | लॉकडाऊन लागला तरी भाजी मार्केटमध्ये गर्दी

Mumbai Borivali Market Crowded As No Effect Of Weekend Lockdown Ground Report

Apr 10, 2021, 12:25 AM IST
Maval People Crowded At Wine Shop Before Restriction Begins PT3M15S

VIDEO : वाईन शॉप्स समोर मद्यप्रेमींची गर्दी

Maval People Crowded At Wine Shop Before Restriction Begins

Apr 4, 2021, 08:55 PM IST
Mumbai Mantralaya Getting Crowded In Rising Corona PT3M50S

मुंबई | मंत्रालयात गर्दी, नियमांचा फज्जा

Mumbai Mantralaya Getting Crowded In Rising Corona

Feb 24, 2021, 05:15 PM IST
Dadar Market is crowded,no social distancing followed by people PT3M23S

मुंबई | काळजी घ्या.... कोरोना पुन्हा डोकं वर काढतोय

मुंबई | काळजी घ्या.... कोरोना पुन्हा डोकं वर काढतोय

Feb 21, 2021, 11:00 AM IST
Mumbai Azad Maidan Crowded By Farmers In Support Farmers Protest To Farm Law PT3M21S

आझाद मैदानात आज शेतकऱ्यांची भव्य सभा

Mumbai Azad Maidan Crowded By Farmers In Support Farmers Protest To Farm Law

Jan 25, 2021, 12:40 PM IST
Pune Sarpanch Candidates Crowded On Last Day To Fill Form PT4M16S

ग्रामपंचायत निवडणूक अर्जासाठी गोंधळ सुरुच

Pune Sarpanch Candidates Crowded On Last Day To Fill Form

Dec 30, 2020, 06:50 PM IST
Mulund Next To Neelam Nagar Nalaha People Crowded Forgetting Covid Guidelines PT1M55S

मुंबई | मुलुंडच्या चिंधी बाजारात सोशल डिस्टंसिंगचा फज्जा

Mulund Next To Neelam Nagar Nalaha People Crowded Forgetting Covid Guidelines

Dec 2, 2020, 12:05 AM IST
Sangli Miraj Market Crowded By People In Prepration For Again Lockdown PT2M14S

सांगली | जिल्ह्यात आजपासून पुन्हा लॉकडाऊन

Sangli Miraj Market Crowded By People In Prepration For Again Lockdown

Jul 22, 2020, 05:30 PM IST
Raigad Wine Shop Crowded By Long Que For Getting Alchol For Prepration Of Lockdown PT1M48S

रायगड | दारुच्या दुकानांबाहेर मद्यपींची गर्दी

Raigad Wine Shop Crowded By Long Que For Getting Alchol For Prepration Of Lockdown

Jul 14, 2020, 09:55 PM IST
 Mumbai Bandra Station Migrant Workers To UP And Bihar Crowded To Go Back PT5M47S

मुंबई | वांद्रे स्थानकात मजुरांची पुन्हा गर्दी

Mumbai Bandra Station Migrant Workers To UP And Bihar Crowded To Go Back

May 19, 2020, 06:10 PM IST
Kalyan Migrant Workers Crowded At Ward Office For Get Permission To Go Back To Village PT1M30S

कल्याण | ड प्रभाग क्षेत्रात वैद्यकीय चाचणीसाठी मोठी गर्दी

Kalyan Migrant Workers Crowded At Ward Office For Get Permission To Go Back To Village

May 7, 2020, 10:00 PM IST
Pune Shirur Migrant Workers Crowded For Fitness Certificate PT1M45S

पुणे | मजुरांची वैद्यकीय चाचणीसाठी मोठी गर्दी

Pune Shirur Migrant Workers Crowded For Fitness Certificate

May 7, 2020, 09:30 PM IST
Wardha Migrant Worker And People Crowded At Collector Office For Fitness Certificate To Go Village PT2M16S

वर्धा | जिल्हाधिकारी कार्यालयात नागरिकांची गर्दी

Wardha Migrant Worker And People Crowded At Collector Office For Fitness Certificate To Go Village

May 4, 2020, 02:45 PM IST
Nashik Satpur Red Zone People Crowded An Waiting For Wine Shop To Open PT1M38S

नाशिक | अशा गर्दीत कोरोनाला आळा कसा घालणार?

Nashik Satpur Red Zone People Crowded An Waiting For Wine Shop To Open

May 4, 2020, 01:55 PM IST