marathi video

One seat from Shiv Sena quota will be given to MNS in loksabha election 2024 PT3M34S

शिवसेनेच्या कोट्यातून एक जागा मनसेला देणार - सूत्र

One seat from Shiv Sena quota will be given to MNS in loksabha election 2024

Mar 19, 2024, 12:05 PM IST
Leader of the Opposition Vijay Wadettivar demands that the government should provide substantial help to the farmers PT43S

सरकारनं शेतकऱ्यांना भरीव मदत करावी, विरोधी पक्षनेते विजय वडेट्टीवारांची मागणी

Leader of the Opposition Vijay Wadettivar demands that the government should provide substantial help to the farmers

Feb 27, 2024, 11:10 AM IST