yashwant killedar

A major allegation of terror funding MNS through Halal PT1M15S
After the campaign of Bhona, now the campaign of MNS against Halal, information was given in a press conference PT1M50S

Video | नो टू #Halal मनसेची आता नवी मोहिम

After the campaign of Bhona, now the campaign of MNS against Halal, information was given in a press conference

Aug 27, 2022, 01:40 PM IST
Mumbai MNS Yashwant Killedar On Poster War For Huge Electricity Bills PT2M49S

मुंबई | शॉकसाठी तयार राहा - मनसेचा इशारा

Mumbai MNS Yashwant Killedar On Poster War For Huge Electricity Bills

Nov 22, 2020, 05:30 PM IST