
Video | Vegetables become expensive across the state, due to heavy rains, the arrival is less PT49S

Video | राज्यभरात भाज्या महागल्या, अतिवृष्टीमुळे आवक कमी

Video | Vegetables become expensive across the state, due to heavy rains, the arrival is less

Aug 12, 2022, 06:45 PM IST
Video | The housewife's budget cola model, vegetables are expensive PT1M7S

Video | गृहिणींचं बजेट कोलमडलं, भाज्या महागल्या

Video | The housewife's budget cola model, vegetables are expensive

Aug 12, 2022, 02:00 PM IST
Prices of vegetables tough, increase in prices of vegetables due to rain PT45S

ऐन श्रावणात भाज्यांचे दर कडाडले

Prices of vegetables tough, increase in prices of vegetables due to rain

Aug 6, 2022, 05:50 PM IST
Pune Shirur Farmers In Problem For Cauliflower Crop Damage From Heavy Rainfall PT1M4S

VIDEO | अतिवृष्टीमुळे काढणीला आलेले फ्लॉवर शेतातच सडले

Pune Shirur Farmers In Problem For Cauliflower Crop Damage From Heavy Rainfall

Jul 22, 2022, 06:35 PM IST
Heavy rains hit agriculture vegetables are likely to become expensive PT2M

महागाईचा भडका; टॉमेटो पेट्रोलच्या दरात, पालेभाज्याही कडाडल्या

Inflation Update: Tomatoes are getting in petrol price, Vegetables are expensive :पावसाळ्याच्या तोंडावर सर्वसामान्यांना महागाईचा सामना करावा लागत आहे. 

May 29, 2022, 09:20 AM IST
Pandharpur Spl report On Vitthal Temple Is decorated from Vegetables and Kites PT3M22S

VIDEO : मकर संक्रांतीनिमित्त पंढरपुरात पतंग, भाज्यांनी मंदिर सजलं

VIDEO : मकर संक्रांतीनिमित्त पंढरपुरात पतंग, भाज्यांनी मंदिर सजलं

Jan 14, 2022, 10:00 AM IST
Pandharpur Vitthal Temple Is decorated from Vegetables and Kites PT3M30S
Shrilanka Colombo Vegetables Hike Rate PT3M26S

VIDEO : श्रीलंकेत भाज्यांचे दर कमालीचे कडाडले

VIDEO : श्रीलंकेत भाज्यांचे दर कमालीचे कडाडले

Jan 13, 2022, 09:10 AM IST